Instructions (click in game area to continue)
- movement: ASWD, arrow keys, numpad
- jump: space, numpad 0
- attack / throw: F, control, enter, numpad +
- pause: P, pause/break, pause button at
top right
- movement keys can be held or tapped. Either works fine.
- You can damage enemies by jumping on their head. You can also
attack them, but your attack has a delay.
- Any attack that does not directly hit one or more nearby enemies will instead throw a knife that can hit 1 enemy at a distance
- Zombie kills will be counted at the top left, along with your
current level
- Some zombies just wander around, but most will charge you.
- As your level goes up, so does the game difficulty. Zombies will
be faster, more numerous, and you will be invincible less time
after being hurt.
- Your health shows at the bottom left of the game area
- An exclamation point above you means you took damage and are
temporarily invulnerable.
- There is a pause button at the top right, which will also reshow
these instructions.
- The game will also pause any time the game window loses focus.
- The level is procedurally generated, so reload if you don't
like yours.
- You can walk through the left/right side of the screen but not
the top/bottom.
- The game will reset after you die and unpause.
They ate your brains!! (click in game area to reset the game)
reminder instructions:
- movement: ASWD, arrow keys, numpad
- jump: space, numpad 0
- attack / throw: F, control, enter, numpad +
- pause: P, pause/break, pause button at
top right
- movement keys can be held or tapped. Either works fine.
- You can damage enemies by jumping on their head. You can also
attack them, but your attack has a delay.
- Any attack that does not directly hit one or more nearby enemies will instead throw a knife that can hit 1 enemy at a distance
- Zombie kills will be counted at the top left, along with your
current level
- Some zombies just wander around, but most will charge you.
- As your level goes up, so does the game difficulty. Zombies will
be faster, more numerous, and you will be invincible less time
after being hurt.
- Your health shows at the bottom left of the game area
- An exclamation point above you means you took damage and are
temporarily invulnerable.
- There is a pause button at the top right, which will also reshow
these instructions.
- The game will also pause any time the game window loses focus.
- The level is procedurally generated, so reload if you don't
like yours.
- You can walk through the left/right side of the screen but not
the top/bottom.
- The game will reset after you die and unpause.